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FULL BOX SET - £29.99 Including 10 lectures and Speakers Forum

Megalithic Temples and the Quest for the Otherworld
From the Andes to Japan, from Persia to Scotland, new evidence reveals how ancient temples were designed for the most secret ritual of all, in which initiates were taken out-of-body, crossed into the Otherworld, and returned to their daily lives with greater control over the process of manifestation. The ritual was called a ‘living resurrection’ and its practitioners were described as ‘risen from the dead’. This fresh insight reveals the true purpose behind anomalous chambers, such as the so-called ‘funerary temples’ of pharaohs Unas and Thutmosis, and why no one was ever buried in such buildings. It also re-appraises megalithic sites such as Saqsayhuaman, the ball court of Chichen Itza, and the function behind the curious stone towers around Lake Titicaca. Tonight, you will discover what ancient temples can really do for you. And to you. Because initiates of this refined art — such as Plato — each described their personal experience as the pinnacle of spiritual self-development. Find out why.
Freddy Silva is a best-selling author, and a leading researcher of alternative history, ancient knowledge, sacred sites, and the interaction between temples and consciousness. He is also a leading expert on crop circles. He has published five books in five languages. For over fifteen years he has been an international keynote speaker, with notable appearances at the International Science and Consciousness Conference, the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine, Megalithomania USA, and the Association for Research and Enlightenment, in addition to Discovery Channel, BBC, and radio shows such as Coast To Coast. Described by one CEO as "perhaps the best metaphysical speaker in the world right now." He is also a documentary filmmaker, art photographer, and leads private tours to sacred sites in England, France, Egypt, Portugal, Yucatan, Malta, Peru/Bolivia, Scotland and Ireland. Website
Neolithic British Religion: Whatever Happened to the Earth and the Sun?
This talk is concerned with the ways in which professional British archaeologists have written about the cosmological aspects of Neolithic ceremonial monuments over the past hundred years. Their interpretations have altered very significantly during the past five decades, and the alterations concerned may provide some very interesting insights into changes in modern British culture. The talk is intended to discuss those insights, and in the process to ask the question of whether some of the most important areas of human experience have become neglected as the result of these changes in academic thinking.
Ronald Hutton is Professor of History and Associate Dean of Arts in the University of Bristol, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, the Society of Antiquaries, the Learned Society of Wales, and the British Academy. He represents both history and archaeology on the Board of Trustees which runs English Heritage, and chair of the Blue Plaques Panel which awards commemorative plaques to historic buildings. He has published fifteen books on aspects of political, social, cultural and religious history, including a monograph on the English Civil War, a narrative history of the Stuart Restoration, a biography of Charles II, two surveys of what is thought about the pagan religions of ancient Britain, two large-scale studies of the history of the ritual year in Britain, an analysis of Siberian shamanism, the first history of modern paganism in Britain, and two surveys of the treatment of Druids in British culture over the centuries. He was formerly a Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, and has been at Bristol since 1981. He last spoke at Megalithomania in 2007.
Decoding the core symbolism of Stonehenge, Drombeg and Avebury Stone Circles
Terence Meaden has initiated a new approach to the study and understanding of stone circles. He demonstrates that specific megaliths at Drombeg Stone Circle—which is the archetype for the present study of Neolithic and Bronze Age Irish and British monuments—were selected for size and shape and intelligently positioned such that the light of the rising sun creates shadows, classifiable as male, that make union with a waiting stone identifiable as female. This core activity may symbolize the hieros gamos or Marriage of the Gods—the union between Sun and Earth. At Drombeg this happens on 8 dates of the year at intervals of 45-46 days beginning with the winter solstice, and leads to understanding the logic behind stone selection and settings at Stonehenge, Avebury and other sites as well. The explanation has everything to do with the Sun and Earth because these monuments were planned as sunrise monuments. The reconstruction of a 365-day Neolithic calendar is another consequence of this work.
Prof. Terence Meaden, M.A (Oxon) M.Sc.(Oxon) D.Phil. (Oxon), is a professional physicist, meteorologist and archaeologist with undergraduate and doctoral degrees (1954 to 1961) in physics and a MSc in archaeology from Oxford University. He has made significant contributions to Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeology and his books include Stonehenge: The Secret of the Solstice, Secret of the Avebury Stones, The Goddess of the Stones: Language of the Megaliths, and most recently, Stonehenge, Avebury and Drombeg Stone Circles Deciphered. |
Lecture 1: Carnac - A Key to Understanding Ancient Monuments
Howard Crowhurst has been living just near Carnac and studying the incredible megalithic monuments there for over 30 years. He has shown that the multiple sites there are all linked together by incredibly precise geometry positioned according to the cardinal directions. He has also proven that this specific geometry is linked to the movement of the sun and the moon at this specific latitude. This principle which he calls astro geometry seems to have been the basis for the implantation of sacred monuments all over the world. In this talk, Howard Crowhurst will describe this method and then show how it was used in many different civilizations.
Lecture 2: The Nebra Sky-Disc
In 1999, near Nebra in the Saxony region of Germany, two treasure hunters made one of the most extraordinary discoveries in the history of archaeology. The bronze and gold object they discovered has come to be known as the Nebra sky disc and is the oldest recognised representation of the night sky, estimated to be some 3600 years old, dating it to 200 years before the first images in Egypt. The implications behind the disc’s existence were so enormous that the reaction of some authoritative specialists was to deny the disc’s authenticity. Following his groundbreaking work on the Carnac alignments Howard Crowhurst reveals the hidden meaning of one of the most enigmatic objects ever unearthed and shows the profound understanding it encodes.
Howard Crowhurst was born in North Wales. He has been living in Brittany since 1986 and has become one of the leading experts on the megaithic monuments of the Carnac area. From 1990 to 2004, he was vice president of the Association Archéologique Kergal and as such he took part in the french TV documentary, Carnac. In 2006, he launched the Summer Solstice in Plouharnel event with the Plouharnel Tourist Office. He founded the ACEM-Association for the Knowledge and Study of Megaliths, whose aim (amongst other things) is to create a 3D computer model of the Carnac megalithic complex. He appeared at Megalithomania in 2009 and 2011 when he introduced his incredible research on geometry and metrology to the world. Website
The Alchemy of the Sphinx and the Cosmic Serpent: Consciousness Experiencing itself as the Eternally Cycling Electro-Magnetic Breath of Life
The Pantheon of Egyptian Neteru (gods and goddesses) were not originally worshiped like the gods of our present-day religions. Patricia will illustrate how they symbolize forces of nature with multi-dimensional associations and significance. Everything is vibration; everything exists in waveform-- expressed in its foundational form as the Sine Wave. It is the Neter, Hathor (primordial womb) that sparks the Sine Wave into the breath of life through Sound! This electro-magnetic serpent energy is the dynamic and fractal design for all that exists in our three-dimensional reality, including our very own DNA. How we navigate these currents determines our perception of time and space, and all that confines us in this physical reality. The wealth of knowledge and wisdom held within ancient symbolism, mythology and structures worldwide combine to provide the truth of who we are and what we are capable of. Much is beyond our scope of understanding---but the implications are mind boggling! We were the Gods and Goddesses that built and created the megalithic monuments and pyramid networks as energy devices -designed to alchemically harness the electro-magnetic currency that expresses the patterning of form in this perception of our reality. The abilities we deem to be supernatural or godlike, are perfectly natural attributes that we have all forgotten we once had and are beginning to be empowered with again.
Patricia Awyan is a teacher, spiritual life counsellor and co-director of the Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism. As a long time student in metaphysical, spiritual and esoteric subjects and traditions, Patricia's eclectic spiritual background serves as a strong foundation to support to her work. She became of student of Khemitology after meeting world renowned, indigenous Wisdom Keeper, Abd'el Hakim Awyan (1926-2008), on her first trip to Egypt in 2005. It was during her third journey to Egypt that she would meet, and fall in love with her husband, Yousef Awyan. Together, she and Yousef created The Khemit School of Ancient Mysticism as an open forum to share the teachings of his father, Hakim, and to continue on with the exploration and research of the ancient mysteries, both on and off the sites. They guide independent explorers that come to their doorstep from all over the world, and host their own tours several times each year. Website
Site Transformation and Advanced Technology in Ancient Khemit (Egypt)
Throughout Egypt we find temples and monuments built over much older sites and often in multiple layers. Just as we continually demolish, rebuild and/or renovate our modern buildings and homes over the years--- ancient structures were transformed and rebuilt over and over again on the same sites throughout thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, or more. Yousef will lead us on a visual exploration of various ancient sites in Egypt, citing the many layers of technological and cultural differences. The monuments, artefacts and constructions tell a story of their own, most of them having been utilized and/or quarried for newer constructions repeatedly by different cultures and civilizations, for entirely different purposes. Why do we see a devolving level of craftsmanship and capability? Yousef will speak about a pre-cataclysmic and pre-dynastic Khemit, a civilization that lived resonantly with their natural environment, with a deep respect for its divine perfection and balance. He will comment on and show irrefutable evidence of their highly-advanced technologies that he and others have discovered at various sites—that leave us with more questions, than answers.
Yousef Awyan was born, raised and still resides at his family’s home in Nazlet el Saman, which lies just a few meters from the Sphinx Entrance to the Giza Plateau. Yousef grew up listening avidly to his father, Abd’El Hakim Awyan, talk about the secrets and mysteries of ancient Khemit (Egypt). Sharing his passion, he honors his father’s memory by continuing to share his wealth of knowledge and wisdom. He is devoted to revealing, researching and teaching the amazing truths of Egypt’s and our collective heritage. Yousef reads and interprets the hieroglyphs, symbols and images found in Egypt, from a unique perspective as taught to him by his father, as well as through his own research and continual study. He is a gifted artist, sculptor and musician. As an accomplished musician, Yousef’s keen ear for sound frequencies and pitch, enable him to tune in and find the resonant “tones” at many of the sacred areas and chambers found at the monuments and temples throughout Egypt.Website
Megalithic Sites of Sardinia, Menorca and the Mediterranean
In this lecture Hugh will share his research and new discoveries from his travels to Italy, Malta, Gozo, Sardinia, Menorca and other areas of the Mediterranean. From massive polygonal walls of Italy, to mighty T-Pillars of Menorca, to massive Nurage towers of Sardinia, and extremely ancient cycopean structures on Malta and Gozo, this part of the world has a rich heritage of megalithomania, often with legends of giants said to have been involved in their construction.
Hugh Newman is an author, conference organiser, world explorer, tour host, and Megalithomaniac. As well as organising the Megalithomania conferences, he organises the Origins Conference in London with Andrew Collins every November. He has spoken at events in the UK, Malta, France, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia and North America. He has appeared on BBC TV, Sky Channel 200, Bosnian TV and the History Channel in the last five seasons of 'Ancient Aliens', and recently in 'Search for the Lost Giants'. He is author of Earth Grids (Wooden Books 2008) and co-author of 'Giants On Record' with Jim Vieira (Avalon Rising 2014), and has published numerous articles. Website
The Knap of Howar and the Origins of Geometry
In his new book, written in collaboration with former Megalithomania speaker (2007) Keith Critchlow, artist and geometer Nicholas Cope presents a summary of many years work regarding the Knap of Howar, a remarkably well preserved Neolithic stone built dwelling on the Island of Papa Westray, Orkney. He has demonstrated with precise and exhaustive analysis that geometry, in particular the mathematical ratio of the Golden Mean, is a primary element within the architecture of what is considered to be one of Europe’s oldest dwellings, and extends our understanding of traditional British Neolithic structures.
Nicholas Cope studied for his degree in fine art/painting at Wimbledon School of Art 1981-1984. From 1989-1991 he attended the Royal College of Art where he gained his Masters on the ‘Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts’ course. His main focus was the study of the symbolic geometry underlying both Islamic and Traditional Art as a whole. Since graduating from the Royal College of Art studies have extended to analysis of Traditional British Neolithic structures. This includes dwelling places, stone circles and burial tombs. Website |
Elongated Skulls of Europe and the Middle East Scott has been investigating the archaeological evidence for artificial cranial deformation across Europe and the Middle East, with examples tracing back at least 10,000 years and a later spread into Europe via various cultural groups. Along with studying all the available published literature, he has been museum hunting across Europe in search of these skulls and is attempting to produce a comprehensive catalogue of all incidences worldwide, which will be included in his forthcoming book.
Scott Skinner is a British archaeologist by profession and is currently employed as a site director for S.W.A.T archaeology. He has a B.A. in archaeology and anthropology from the University of Kent, where he specialised in human osteology and palaeopathology. He has been involved in several European excavations including Pompeii, Italy, and Crete. He has been attending Megalithomania since 2009 and this will be his first major public lecture. |

Speakers Forum:
Hosted by John Martineau with the 2017 Speakers
Including guest speaker Christine Rhone. |
Lecture Not Available
Megalithomania Update - Around the World in 60 minutes
The John Michell Memorial Lecture, Hosted by Christine Rhone.
This fast-moving, fascinating and highly illustrated talk covers megalithic cultures worldwide and shows the common threads between many of them. It presents the very latest cutting-edge research into the geometry and astronomy of ancient sites and shines an exciting new light into the mystery of what on earth they were really up to, and why.
John founded Megalithomania with Hugh Newman and Gareth Mills in late 2005 and has spoken regulary at Megalithomania and other conferences in Britain, South Africa and Europe. John graduated in Philosophy from Bristol University and spent a few years in the early computer games industry before completing a Master’s degree at the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts. John’s project at the School was focused on geometry and harmony in the solar system, and culminated in his Book of Coincidence, which he published under a new imprint, Wooden Books, a series of richly-illustrated and fascinating books exploring the age-old themes of nature, pattern, cosmos, design, ancient sites and geometry. Wooden Books now lists more than 60 titles, with 2.5 million printed copies in 25 languages; in 2007, it won Best Non-Fiction Series at the New York Book Show. He lives in Glastonbury, UK. Website |
Hosted by Christine Rhone
Every year, Megalithomania welcomes Christine Rhone to introduce the John Michell Memorial Lecture. Previous speakers have included John Martineau, Richard Heath, John Neal, Christine Rhone and Steve Marshall. Christine also organises a bi-annual event in London celebrationg the work of the great visionary.
NOTE: Schedule to be confirmed
9.30am: Registration
10:00 am: Howard Crowhurst
Secrets of Ancient Carnac in Brittany
11.00 am: BREAK
11.15 am: Scott Skinner
Elongated Skulls of Europe & the Middle East
12.15 pm: BREAK
12:30 pm: Patricia Awyan
(From Egypt) Esoteric Symbolism of Khemit
1.30 pm: LUNCH
2.45 pm: Nicholas Cope
The Knap of Howar & the Origins of Geometry
4.00 pm: BREAK
4.00 pm: Prof. Ronald Hutton
Neolithic British Religion:Whatever Happened to the Earth & Sun?
5.00 pm: Break
5.30 pm: Keynote: Freddy Silva
Megalithic Temples & the Quest for the Otherworld
7.00 pm: END
NOTE: Schedule to be confirmed
10:00 am: Hugh Newman
Megaliths of Italy, Sardinia & Menorca
11.00 am: BREAK
11.15 am: Yousef Awyan
(From Egypt) Ancient Technology in Egypt
12.15 pm: BREAK
12:30 pm: Howard Crowhurst
The Nebra Sky Disc
1.30 pm: LUNCH
2.45 pm: John Martineau
John Michell Memorial Lecture
hosted by Christine Rhone
3.45 pm: BREAK
4.00 pm: Keynote: Prof. Terence Meaden
Decoding the core symbolism of Stonehenge, Drombeg
and Avebury Stone Circles
5.00 pm: BREAK
5.15 pm: Speakers Forum
5.45 pm: Closing Remarks.
6.00 pm: END

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