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FULL BOX SET - £29.99 Including 11 lectures and Speakers Forum
The Cygnus Key: The Denisovan Legacy, Göbekli Tepe, and the Birth of Egypt
Who are the Denisovans? Are they the true founders of human civilization? Are they the giants of legend? Evidence of the emergence of high culture in the form of musical instruments, advanced stone tool technologies, bone needles, precision finished jewellery, advanced calendrical systems, swan shamanism, and even horse domestication has been linked to an extinct human population recently discovered in southern Siberia. Known today as the Denisovans, there is every indication that 60,000-70,000 years ago they were the most advanced human species on the planet. Legends from southern Siberia regarding this population suggest that they were the first to built bridges, irrigation channels, and even megalithic monuments. By way of an introduction to his new book The Cygnus Key, Andrew Collins reveals the true impact of the Denisovans on everything from Gobekli Tepe to the birth of Egypt’s Pyramid Age, and the spread worldwide of a calendrical system based on eclipse cycles that was almost certainly invented by the Denisovans. He will also show the Denisovans profound knowledge of sound and sound acoustics that eventually finds expression in the construction of the earliest and most accomplished enclosures at Göbekli Tepe.
Andrew Collins was born on January 25, 1957, in Bedford, England. He is a science and history writer, and the author of books that challenge the way we perceive the past. They include From the Ashes of Angels, Gods of Eden, Gateway to Atlantis, Tutankhuman: The Exodus Conspiracy (co-authored with Chris Ogilvie Herald), The Cygnus Mystery, Göbekli Tepe: Genesis of the Gods and The Cygnus Key: The Denisovan Legacy, Göbekli Tepe and the Birth of Egypt. He lives in Leigh-on-Sea, Essex. He spoke at Megalithomania in 2006, 2010 and 2013 and is co-founder of the Origins Conference in London with Hugh Newman.
Lecture 1: Aboriginal Stonehenge in Wales - Stonehenge as a Later Imitation
In the 1970s, a motley assortment of leyhunters, dowsers and members of RILKO and IGR combed the Preseli hills of West Wales looking for evidence of a Preseli Zodiac. Support for their researches originated from ancient Welsh legends, and they almost found the original Stonehenge. For the past 33 years, Robin Heath has been living and working within this landscape, discovering that the landscape itself, together with the siting of several important megalithic monuments reveals the 'zodiac' that also formed the original design for Stonehenge. Robin's illustrated presentation is the subject of a recently published book, Temple in the Hills.
Lecture 2: Keeping on the Old Straight Track Applying John Michell's legacy to new research. The John Michell Memorial Lecture, Hosted by Christine Rhone.
John's books and lectures reintroduced two generations or so to a global prehistoric science whose traces were still visible because they had survived into later Babylonian, Egyptian, Minoan, Greek and Roman times. Although the scientific establishment remains to be convinced of it, this 'megalithic science' (which John sometimes referred to as 'spiritual engineering') remains recogniseable to modern thought. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the ancient sciences when correctly understood and then applied, Robin will revisit some of John's favourite haunts, and pull a few new rabbits out of the hat.
Robin Heath is a graduate of UCNW, Bangor, and started his career as a research and development engineer in semiconductor technology prior to becoming a senior lecturer in mathematics and engineering. Since 1990 Robin has been seeking out evidence for the prehistoric science embedded within the surviving megalithic monuments in Britain, Ireland and France. In 1993 Robin founded Megalithic Tours and has written eleven books revealing evidence of high culture to be found in the astronomy, geometry and metrology of ancient monuments. This material has been presented in various ways to students at the Prince's School of Traditional Arts, The Sophia Trust, John Ruskin College, Brasenose College, Oxford, the British Society of Dowsing, The Gatekeeper Trust, RILKO (Research into Lost Knowledge Organisation), and the Royal Institute of Mathematics. He spoke at the first ever Megalithomania in 2006, and also in 2012.
Advances in Megalithic Solar Astronomy Uniting Sun and Earth
An archaeo-astronomical analysis of stone circles and other megalithic monuments reveals that they were planned to be ritually observed and used at sunrise on eight portentous dates of the year—the traditional agricultural quarter days and cross-quarter days. The underlying concept is that of the Sacred Marriage or “fertility union” between Sky Father and Earth Mother or Mother Goddess. The presentation discusses results obtained at the great mound of Knowth, chambered long barrows, recumbent stone circles in County Cork and Aberdeenshire, and Stonehenge. Despite continuing diehard dogmatic obstruction by some academics, the new research firmly establishes that the megalith peoples of Britain and Ireland strongly believed in a fertility Mother Goddess.
Prof. Terence Meaden, M.A (Oxon) M.Sc.(Oxon) D.Phil. (Oxon), is a professional physicist, meteorologist and archaeologist with undergraduate and doctoral degrees (1954 to 1961) in physics and a MSc in archaeology from Oxford University. He has made significant contributions to Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeology and his books include Stonehenge: The Secret of the Solstice, Secret of the Avebury Stones, The Goddess of the Stones: Language of the Megaliths, and most recently, Stonehenge, Avebury and Drombeg Stone Circles Deciphered. |
Part 1:

Part 2:
Lecture 1: Triptych Temples and the GodSelf Icon in Ancient Cultures
In his richly-illustrated presentations, Richard Cassaro will discuss some of the new archaeological discoveries set forth in his two books Written in Stone (2011) and The Missing Link (2016). These include his two most famous finds—"Triptych Temples” and “GodSelf Icons.” Cassaro will show evidence that these were key symbols for many ancient cultures, and that they held the same meaning in each culture. He will also show how both symbols form the central features in a hitherto largely unknown Universal Religion that has been passed down through history via Secret Societies like the Masonic Fraternity.
Lecture 2: Triptych Temples and the GodSelf Icon in Ancient Cultures pt.2
Richard Cassaro is an author, lecturer, and world explorer. He has studied ancient civilizations in the field for four decades. During this time, he discovered and interpreted a series of meaningful archaeological parallels they share, demonstrating connections to each other and to our modern culture that have not yet been recognized in standard academic histories. His research is widely acclaimed, appearing in print journals worldwide, and translated into more than a dozen languages. He has recently been featured on the History Channel and Magical Egypt.
Sigils in Stone: Sorcery and Magic Among Sacred Sites
Thomas shares his extensive research on evidence of magic and sorcery at megalithic sites worldwide. His most passionate area of work is mythology and folklore, as well as the magical traditions and megalithic sites of the IndoEuropeans. Thomas Sheridan's presentation at Megalithomania will be concerned with the magical aspects of certain ancient 'sacred' sites, along with presenting evidence that the famous Round Towers of Ireland are a part of the European megalithic tradition. Being far older than the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, they were a mixture of pagan temple and machine.
Thomas Sheridan is a best selling author having written books on topics ranging from psychology, true crime, mind control, megaliths, mythology and the occult. A former rock musician and stand up comic, Thomas is sought the world over as an entertaining and highly informative public speaker and media guest. His vast knowledge of the occult, folklore and Irish and European mythology, is complimented by his great passion for literature and fortean topics. Thomas is an Honourary Member of the Avebury ‘Council of Thirteen’ Druidry Study Circle. He is also known for painting the landscapes of Ireland, as well as retaining the history of Ireland intimately and is passionate about sharing this with others.
The Power of Centre: Rediscovering Ancient Cosmology and the Celtic Goddess at the Omphalos Sites of the British Isles
After visiting many Celtic sites around Europe, Gary Biltcliffe and Caroline Hoare discovered that these ancient tribes marked their territory by locating and honouring its geographical centre or ‘navel’ by either using the nearest natural feature or by constructing mounds, stone monuments, and ceremonial earthworks and re-shaping sacred hills to create a link to the cosmos. Based on their new book, they reveal evidence at these centre-points of the worship of the ancient British goddess, dragon pathways aligned to the sun and crossroads where old trackways to the cardinal points meet. These principles of cosmology adopted by the Celts from the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Etruscans can still be found throughout the British Isles and Ireland and in some of the foundation plans of our earliest towns and cities.
Gary and Caroline have dedicated many years to historical research and investigation of earth mysteries, ancient civilisations and lost knowledge. Gary has appeared on television and radio and lectured for dowsing and earth mystery groups both in this country and in America. He is the author of two books - The Spirit of Portland: Revelations of a Sacred Isle and The Spine of Albion: An Exploration of Earth Energies and Landscape Mysteries along the Belinus Line co-authored with his partner Caroline Hoare.
The Astronomy of Stonehenge
The astronomy of Stonehenge is a complex and controversial subject. Arguments have raged over the intent and depth of knowledge of the builders ever since the midsummer sunrise alignment was rediscovered in the 18th century, and the discipline of archaeoastronomy is still viewed with suspicion by some archaeologists. This talk will show you where to stand, in which direction to look to see for yourself what the ancients achieved, and will confront the issue of eclipse prediction using the Aubrey Holes. There may be some surprises along the way.
Simon Banton has been an amateur astronomer for over 45 years and was bitten by the archaeoastronomy bug in the mid 1990s. Since then he has been researching humanity's enduring relationship with the celestial sphere. Over a decade ago he moved to Wiltshire for two reasons: the dark skies of Salisbury Plain and the intriguing collection of large rocks in the middle of it. He worked for English Heritage at Stonehenge for 6 years as one of the custodians of - and guides for - the monument, is co-author of an academic paper about the stonehole parchmarks discovered in 2013 and curates the, and websites.
Ancient Symbolism at Megalithic Sites
American research Jj Ainsworth will share her research on ancient symbolism from all around the world and reveal many surprises and connections between ancient cultures. This is her first public lecture.
Jj Ainsworth is a researcher and explorer based in the US, who is an expert on ancient symbolism and connections between sites worldwide. She has featured on numerous radio shows, has published articles on, and co-hosts tours around the world. Website |
Scottish Carved Stone Spheres and the Tiwanaku Connection
420 geometric stone spheres have been found in the vicinity of Neolithic stone circles in Northern Scotland, Orkney and a few other areas, with a majority coming from Aberdeenshire. Outside Scotland examples have been found in Ireland at Ballymena, and in England at Durham, Cumbria, Lowick and Bridlington. Hugh Newman investigates museums in Orkney, Scotland and England on this quest to uncover the truth about these strange objects, and one was spotted by over 6000 miles away in the area of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.
Hugh Newman is an author, conference organiser, world explorer, tour host, and Megalithomaniac. As well as organising the Megalithomania conferences, he organises the Origins Conference in London with Andrew Collins every November. He has spoken at events in the UK, Malta, France, Peru, Egypt, Bosnia and North America. He has appeared on BBC TV, Sky Channel 200, Bosnian TV and the History Channel in the last five seasons of 'Ancient Aliens', and recently in 'Search for the Lost Giants'. He is author of Earth Grids (Wooden Books 2008), Stone Circles (Wooden Books 2017) and co-author of 'Giants On Record' with Jim Vieira (Avalon Rising 2015), and has published numerous articles.
Hosted by John Martineau with the 2018 Speakers
Including guest speaker Christine Rhone. |
Hosted by Christine Rhone
Every year, Megalithomania welcomes Christine Rhone to introduce the John Michell Memorial Lecture. Previous speakers have included John Martineau, John Neal, Christine Rhone and Steve Marshall. Christine also organises a bi-annual event in London celebrationg the work of the great visionary.
NOTE: Schedule to be confirmed
9.30am: Registration
10:00 am: Simon Banton
11.00 am: BREAK
11.15 am: Jj Ainsworth
12.15 pm: BREAK
12:30 pm: Thomas Sheridan
1.30 pm: LUNCH
2.45 pm: Richard Cassaro
3.30 pm: BREAK
4.00 pm: Robin Heath
5.00 pm: Break
5.30 pm: Andrew Collins
6.45 pm: END
NOTE: Schedule to be confirmed
10:00 am: Gary Biltcliffe & Caroline Hoare
11.00 am: BREAK
11.15 am: Hugh Newman
12.15 pm: BREAK
12:30 pm: Prof. Terence Meaden
1.30 pm: LUNCH
2.45 pm: Robin Heath: John Michell Memorial Lecture
3.45 pm: BREAK
4.00 pm: Richard Cassaro
4.45 pm: BREAK
5.15 pm: Speakers Forum hosted by John Martineau
6.15 pm: Closing Remarks.
6.30 pm: END