Other Megalithic DVDs

See the Library of MP3s & videos to download here. Purchase high quality DVD's of 2010 here and 2009 here and 2008 here
Filmed and live-edited by Sean Eisenstein of Nautilus AV. www.nautilusav.com
Hugh Newman
ThE WANDLEBURY ENIGMA: Earth Mysteries and Ancient Sites in Cambridgeshire and Essex-
Although claimed to be an "Iron-age hill fort", Cambridgeshire's most prominent and important sacred site, the Wandlebury complex has all the traits of a major megalithic monument. Going south from the site it has a 21 mile 'Loxodrome' alignment that stretches to Hatfield Forest, marked by ancient megaliths, earth mounds and circular earthworks, that has been dated to 3,500BC. The famous 'Mary' earth energy current also goes through the site and over the Gogmagog hills and through fields where several crop circles have appeared. 'Wormwood Hill', a man-made mound near Wandlebury has many strange stories attached to it, from out-of-body experiences, to ghost sightings and UFOs. A chalk hill figure was rediscovered on the site in the 1950s by Tom Lethbridge and the 'Cambridge ley' also bisects the circular ring. Claims that Troy was based at Wandlebury and not in Turkey, has turned a few heads and archaeological discoveries seem to back this up. The Iceni tribes and possibly Queen Boudica herself frequented Wandlebury, so maybe it is now time to put this incredible sacred landscape firmly back on the historical map. More about Hugh here
Audio Download: Talk MP3 £1.79 - 73min - 61MB ![]() |
Hugh Newman
EARTH GRIDS - The Secret Patterns of Gaia's Sacred Sites
Is there a geometrical energy system that surrounds our planet? ... a super grid involving polyhedral forms, ley lines, earth energy currents, cymatics and archaeoastronomical alignments? Prehistoric maps reveal that the ancients were surveying the Earth in the distant past and there is good evidence that our ancestors were up to something we have long forgotten. From UFO flight-paths to anti-gravity and crop circles, the grid has many astonishing claims attached to it. Hugh has also found evidence in South America that the Michael and Mary energy lines are a global phenomenon and megalithic sites 'enhance' these natural energies for various purposes. This multi-media presentation unravels the many grid theories to give an overview of this incredible subject. Based on the book of the same name published by Wooden Books. Filmed at the Fountain Internation Conference in October2009.
Audio Download: Talk MP3 £1.79 - 63min - 61MB ![]() |
Hugh Newman
STONE AGE SURVIVAL- Earth Energies, Crop Circles & Secrets of the Stones
Scientific research of crop circles has helped unlock how the ancients used earth mounds, big stones and magnetic earth energy currents to enhance seeds, promote fertility and re-mineralise their food. With dowsing, the ancients could even locate underground water, test for poisonous foods and locate magnetic and telluric lines of energy. Stone circles and dolmens acted at electrifiers to enhance seed quality and yield, and even helped keep us humans fertile, as many of the global legends state. There is new evidence that agriculture and civilization succeeded soon after the construction of megalithic sites & pyramids. Plus new research on how this could have been part of the earth grid will also come under the spotlight. Hugh will also be looking at sites from his recent trips to Peru, Malta and North America with evidence that this knowledge was a global post-flood phenomenon. Filmed at The Stars and Stones Forum, November 2007
Audio Download: Talk MP3 £1.79 - 63min - 61MB ![]() |
Shaun Kirwan
Geomancy in Architecture and Earth Energies Design
Shaun Kirwan is a Dowser and Geomancer. By drawing on western Geomancy, Shaun has developed intuitive techniques for Earth Healing, and creating sacred space. Shaun has been dowsing for over 14 years. Since completing an apprenticeship with Dr Patrick McManaway (former president of British Society Of Dowsers), in 2002, Shaun has been a practicing Geomancer. Shaun is also a designer of Stone Circles and sacred Sites, including the Big Green Gathering Stone Circle and Sunrise Celebration Wood Circle. He has also been actively involved in researching energy grids and other geomantic features. His new Geomantic consultancy, includes house/landscape healing and sacred space creation. www.georepairman.co.uk
Geomancy is the art of Balancing, Clearing and Transforming Detrimental Energies in a Home or Landscape. In our every day lives we are bombarded with energy from many sources, but the one place we overlook is the Earth itself. The Earth has many energies; some beneficial and some that are harmful. This could be anything from Under-ground Water, Earth Energy Lines, Spirits, Curses, Un-harmonic Technology, Past Trauma or Historical Events. In this lecture, he explains good practice for geomancy in architecture and designing in accordance with earth energies. Incorporating geometric form with landscape features. Understanding the value of careful location and orientation of structures upon a site.
Hugh Newman
Earth Energy: The Secrets of the Stonebuilders
Across the world, there are thousands of sacred sites built by mysterious people from ages past. Great circles, monoliths, and temples hold our imagination, because we still do not fully understand their original purpose. Could it be that these special places were more than just astronomical observatories? Could they also be tapping into the energy of the very earth upon which they stand? Hugh Newman is an expert in the field and has spent many years investigating earth grids and earth energy. Learn about his discoveries on the Green Revolution and how our ancestors used the energy of the earth for fertility and growth. This is a fascinating interview going where none have gone before filmed in an interview format with host Philip Gardiner, on 'Gardiners World', originally viewed on Edge Media TV - Sky channel 200 in July 2009.
Purchase high quality DVD's of 2010 here and 2009 here and 2008 here