Web Toolbar by Wibiya Mick Harper - The Megalithic Empire DVD

MICK HARPER (and Harriet Vered)
The Megalithic Empire + Interview with Mick Harper

Nobody knows how long distance trade was carried out in Ancient Britain in the absence of literate devices such as maps and signposts, though it is known from the archaeology that everything from stone axes to bronze cauldons was moved around on a huge scale. ‘The Megalithic Empire’ was an ingenious navigational system of megalithic structures connected by visual sightings aka leylines. The organisation responsible for the upkeep of this network is shown to have operated not only in the pre-literate era of the Late Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages but again, using more advanced techniques, in the Dark Ages when literacy was once again at a premium. New light is thrown on hitherto shadowy groups such as the Druids, the Phoenicians and the Celtic saints.

Harper & Vered DVD
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Mick Harper’s first book, The History of Britain Revealed, was considered by John Michell to be the most outrageous book he had ever read and it was Michell’s work and encouragement that led to The Megalithic Empire. Harriet Vered’s background in languages and anthropology together with her sojourns in Catalonia, Switzerland, Israel and the Berkshire Downs underpins her great expertise not only with Megalithia but in the historical background in general. www.themegalithicempire.com



The 2013 Megalithomania conference took place on the 18th - 19th May at the Assembly Rooms in Glastonbury. Filmed and edited by Gary King and Liam Bauckham.