DVDs of 2008 conference
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2009 here and
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Filmed and live-edited by Sean Eisenstein of Nautilus AV.

Lost Cities of South America and the Pacific - DVD £8.00
Keynote speaker at the 2008 event, maverick archaeologist and megalith hunter David Hatcher Childress took us on a whirlwind journey in search of ancient sites in South America and the Pacific. Discussing everything from Tiahuanaco in Bolivia to Easter Island to the basalt crystal city of Nan Madol, the real-life Indiana Jones took us to remote areas of the Andes and hard-to-reach Pacific Islands in search of megaliths and lost cities. His style is an entertaining blend of personal experience and well-researched fact, and he presents fascinating information on the advanced technology and anomalous architecture of our predecessors around the globe.
David Hatcher Childress, author of over 20 books, has traveled the world several times over, seeking adventure and the answers to the mysteries of mankind’s past. David has a wide scope of interests, and is a recognized expert not only on ancient civilizations and technology, but also on free energy, anti-gravity and UFOs. His books on these subjects include: The Anti-Gravity Handbook; Anti-Gravity & the World Grid; Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field; Extraterrestrial Archeology; Vimana Aircraft of Ancient India & Atlantis; A Hitchhikers Guide To Armageddon The Free-Energy Device Handbook, Man-Made UFOs, The Time Travel Handbook, Atlantis & the Power System of the Gods and others. His latest efforts are Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet, and The Mystery of the Olmecs. wexclub.com

The Stone People of New Zealand - DVD £8.00
An account of the extraordinary manifestations of the energy of the earth at sacred places in New Zealand, looking at many ancient pre-Maori megalithic sites. Hamish co-authored ‘In Search of the Southern Serpent’ with Barry Brailsford about the pre-historic sites and earth energies of New Zealand and updates us on his research at Megalithomania 2008. He also looked at the cathartic communication through the Stone People which led to the creation of his new project, the Parallel Community.
Hamish is a dowser, metal sculptor and author. He read engineering at Edinburgh and through his books, talks and workshops his work on earth energies has earned him an international reputation. Book titles include The Sun and the Serpent, It's Not Too Late, The Dance of the Dragon, The Definitive Wee Book on Dowsing, and In Search of the Southern Serpent (published in May 2006). Hamish has lectured widely in Britain, America, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand and until his untimely death was working with the rapidly expanding Parallel Community (inspired by his cathartic 'meeting' with the ancestors in New Zealand), that is still gaining members and popularity. www.hamishmiller.co.uk

Valley of the Pyramids in Bosnia - DVD £8.00
The existence of a monumental pyramidal complex in Central Bosnia, stone spheres and tunnel system (town of Visoko) has caught the world by surprise and shook the global scientific community, because it may require a part of the world history to be rewritten. Semir Sam Osmanagich discovered these amazing structures in 2005, and an Egyptian team of experts confirmed in September 2007 that these structures in Visoko were man-made. With a total of five huge stone structures, perfectly oriented, followed by the network of the underground tunnels it represent a sensational archaeological discovery, and it serves as a testimony about one civilization that we know nothing about.
Sam is presently the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ‘Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation’, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegowina, and is the author of ten books about ancient civilizations (The Mayan World, Peruvian, Mexican, and Pacific civilizations) published internationally. His PhD Thesis was on The Maya at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia. He has a Master of Sciencies in International Economics, B.S. in Political Sciences and a B.S. in Economics with two years training in Sociology. www.piramidasunca.ba/en

Needles of Stone Revisited - DVD £8.00
A lot can happen in thirty years, even when much remains the same. Coinciding with the launch of a new 30th anniversary edition of his influential 'ideas-book' Needles of Stone, Tom asserts that we need to learn from our past - including our past mistakes - if we are to make sense of the future for the field. As geomancers of the present-day megalithic world, we need to find an appropriate balance between art and archaeology, between science and intuition, deskwork and fieldwork, theory and practice. To go forward, he argues, we need to go back to first-principles: what exactly is the relationship between people and place? - a relationship in which both people and place have their own choices.
Although best-known for his books on earth-mysteries, such as The Diviner's Handbook and Needles of Stone, Tom Graves has had what can only be described as a 'career' - an eclectic ramble across several continents and through a bewildering range of disciplines and industries, from medicine and media to aeronautical engineering and social services, and almost everything in between. In his public persona he specialises in analysis of structures and systems in large organisations, whilst in private he writes screenplays about anarchist theory and practice, to take them all apart again! Currently in his mid-50s, and always engaging and entertaining, Tom presents a challenging yet enlivening alternative view for every field in which he works. www.tomgraves.eu

In the Footsteps of the Dodman - DVD £8.00
A look at the possible surveying techniques that might have been used by our ancient ancestors in the setting out of their sites and alignments. This would include the possibility for establishing long distance alignments like the Michael line that John Michell discovered, which is based on astronomical observation. As well as David’s discoveries of giant landscape geometries and circles, there are also links with ancient Egypt and the alignments of the temple sites, which are just being re-discovered.
David Furlong is the author of five books, including The Healer Within, Keys to the Temple and Working with Earth Energies. A geomancer, spiritual guide and teacher, for more than thirty-five years, he has lectured widely both in UK and abroad and runs in depth training programmes in health, healing and inner development. www.atlanta-association.com

The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls - DVD £8.00
An old Native American legend tells of 13 crystal skulls the size of human skulls that were said to contain information about the origins and destiny of humankind. The legend said that one day, at a time of great need, all the crystal skulls would be rediscovered and brought together to reveal information vital to the future of humanity. Earlier this century, a real crystal skull was discovered by a British explorer deep in the jungles of Central America. Since then, several other crystal skulls have also come to light. As enigmatic as the Pyramids or the Sphinx, or the megaliths of Stonehenge, the crystal skulls have created a storm of archaeological controversy. Are they remnants of a lost megalithic civilization and why do Native American elders claim the crystal skulls are stores of great knowledge, programmed with an important message for humankind?
Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas are independent television producers who specialise in making films with a philosophical, spiritual or environmental emphasis. Their highly-acclaimed documentary ‘The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls’ has been shown on BBC1 in Britain and on the Arts & Entertainment Network in the USA and Canada, and was subsequently sold to numerous television stations around the world. Their original research inspired the makers of the new Indiana Jones film.

Neolithic Star-gazing and Ancient Cosmologies - DVD £8.00
Nicholas Mann and Philippa Glasson present some of their recent work in archaeoastronomy and ancient cosmology. Following the success of their last book The Star Temple of Avalon, which revealed how the hills of Glastonbury were used to track the patterns of the Sun, Moon and stars, they show how Avalon, Avebury and other ancient astronomical sites around the world can help illuminate the star messages of the present time. Their fully illustrated presentation includes a discussion of the precession of the equinoxes and its current solstitial alignments.

Nicholas and Philippa are also co-authors of Avalon’s Red & White Springs and The Sacred Geometry of Washington, D.C: The Integrity and Power of the Original Design. Nicholas has a degree in Ancient History and Anthropology. He has lived in Glastonbury for many years apart from a period from 1987 to 2000 in Arizona and New Mexico. Philippa is an International Speaker & Teacher, Astrologer & Seer & was a Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge from 1988 to 2004. They both currently live in Glastonbury. www.britishmysteries.co.uk

Ancient Rock Art & Megalithic Navigation - DVD £8.00
Reinoud de Jonge (a Dutch chemist) and Jay Wakefield (an American biologist) have specialized in the study of megalithic culture. They present their analysis of a dozen archaeological sites, showing how many petroglyphs are geographic maps. They show how monuments provide numerical data revealing megalithic religion and ancient sailing discoveries in the Atlantic. For example, numeric picture writing at Loughcrew, Ireland, deciphered by the authors, reveals that these people gave up their efforts to cross the Ocean west of Greenland in 3200 BC. However, decipherment of the petroglyphs at Dissignac, France, shows that they next explored the earth to the east, where they discovered Australia and Alaska. Subsequently, they found routes across the Atlantic, and built Stonehenge, the monument for the discovery of America. These decipherments shed light on a number of mysteries in American prehistory, such as the origin of the Olmec civilization, the Michigan copper mines, and the stone chambers of New England.

Reinoud de Jonge (1949) is a theoretical physical chemist, and a teacher at an International School in the Netherlands. His interest in megalithic monuments started in 1991, when he was challenged by an article in a Rotterdam newspaper which claimed, despite an abundance of factual information, Stonehenge was inexplicable. In 1993 de Jonge's first publication Stonehenge as Sea Chart (in Dutch) appeared, in the periodical BRES (No.158). In 1996 he published De Stenen Spreken (The Speaking Stones), with Professor Gerard IJzereef, which focused on the important petroglyphs of Dissignac, France.
Jay Stuart Wakefield (1943) is a zoologist who has worked as a newsletter and book editor, and in property management. Like Reinoud, his interest in megalithic prehistory was inspired by childhood reading of Heyerdahl's books. His father Richard's high school graduation address in 1932 entitled The Antiquity of Man in North America began a life-time of father-son reading and archaeological exploration. Their coastal and offshore sailing experience has been helpful in this research. Their new book is available here: http://rocksandrows.com

Dragon Paths of London- DVD not available
Have you ever wondered what London was like before the Romans? Or why there are over 115 church sites in the square mile of The City of London? Or how the sites of The Tower, St Pauls and Westminster Abbey were chosen? Toni Perrott , dowser, ancient sacred sites guide and researcher, takes a new look at the London landscape, and explores, researches and dowses the earth energies and mysteries of London, finding significant mounds, henge, routes, energy lines and alignments, and revealing a new glimpse of pre-Roman sacred London.
Toni is based in North Dorset, Wessex, an area of outstanding ancient sacred sites, which she spends a lot of time exploring, and guiding people around, along with Peter Knight. Toni is an earth energies dowser, researcher, artist and traveller; she lived in Japan for several years, studying art there, and exploring South East Asia. She travels to sacred sites worldwide whenever she can, finding universal principals everywhere, and believes that learning the shamanic Old Ways of our Ancestors is the way forward for our civilisation today.

Dolmens & Menhirs of the Mayenne - DVD £8.00
Exploring the rich prehistoric culture in and around this little known region of France, situated in between Brittany and Normandy, examining its Dolmens and Menhirs. The talk includes examples of the giant single Menhirs from the earliest Megalithic culture, classic examples of the rectangular allee-couverte, quartz stone rows, sites with connections to Arthurian legends and Merovingian saints, Stele- later Christianized stones, "le Polissoir"- a rare polishing stone, and the "Roche aux Fees"- one of the Megalithic wonders of France. Kate also discusses some unexplored and ignored sites ripe for investigation!. Using these examples Kate hopes to introduce the listener to the great diversity of French Megalithic culture throughout history.
Kate Masters is an artist with a life-long obsession with sacred sites, and she has worked on these themes in her art for many years. This led her recently to renovate a sixteenth century barn in the Mayenne in France, which has prompted a particular interest in this unexplored region. There are literally hundreds of megalithic monuments within a twenty mile radius of her home. Her ancestors hail from the Glastonbury area, and she has co-led tour groups along the ridgeway with her father. Kate also coordinates the Megalithic Art Gallery at Megalithomania every year.

The Crystal Skulls: A New Understanding - DVD £8.00
Philip goes in search of the origins and symbolism of crystal skulls – and offers a world exclusive. Conferences can be dangerous places… Speaking at an Edinburgh conference, a friend of the Mitchell-Hedges family related to Philip the extra-ordinary story of how Mitchell-Hedges truly discovered the crystal skull. Sworn to secrecy until after Anna Mitchell-Hedges’ death, by an amazing coincidence, Spielberg and Lucas announced that the new Indiana Jones movie would be called “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull”. It set about a series of discoveries, which also puts the symbolism of crystal skulls in a new perspective… that was revealed for the first time in Glastonbury.
Philip Coppens is an author and investigative journalist, ranging from the world of politics to ancient history and mystery. He is the editor-in-chief of the Dutch magazine Frontier and the online REAL NEWSpaper and a frequent contributor to Nexus Magazine. Since 1995, he has lectured extensively, across the world. He is the author of The Stone Puzzle of Rosslyn Chapel, The Canopus Revelation, Land of the Gods and The New Pyramid Age. www.philipcoppens.com

Europe's Lost Civilization DVD not available
Who built the megaliths and why? What light do they throw on our origins and ourselves? To answer these questions, Peter Marshall sailed with photographer Liz Ashton Hill in a small boat from Scotland to Malta , visiting all the major megalithic sites on the way. The illustrated talk recounted the exciting 4000-mile voyage and argue that there was a sophisticated pan-European civilization in megalithic times linked by the sea.
Peter Marshall is a historian, philosopher, travel writer and poet. He has written fifteen highly acclaimed books, including Demanding the Impossible, The Philosopher’s Stone, Riding the Wind and Europe’s Lost Civilization, which are being translated into fifteen different languages. His circumnavigation of Africa was made into a TV series and his voyage around Ireland into a radio series. He is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. www.petermarshall.net

Purchase high quality DVD's of 2010 here and 2009 here